Brewing Change: Supporting UCF with Every Sip

Brewing Change: Supporting the UCF with Every Sip of Barnie's UCF Coffee

In the heart of the University of Central Florida's bustling campus, a new partnership has emerged, blending the aroma of freshly brewed coffee with the spirit of giving back to the community. Barnie's Coffee & Tea Co. has teamed up with the UCF Cares to support the Knights Pantry, creating a powerful alliance that not only satisfies coffee cravings but also supports a vital cause.

The UCF Knights Pantry stands as a testament to the University's commitment to ensuring that every student can thrive academically and professionally without the burden of hunger. Founded on the principle of addressing food insecurity on campus, the Knights Pantry aids students facing financial challenges, ensuring they have access to nutritious foods and necessary supplies as well as clothing and household goods. This initiative reflects the University's dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment where every student can succeed. 

With a rich history rooted in Orlando, Barnie’s Coffee & Tea Co. has long been a beloved local institution who gives back to its local community. The recent partnership between Barnie's, Aramark, and UCF exemplifies their commitment to community engagement and social responsibility.

One of the highlights of this collaboration is the UCF Coffee line, specially crafted by Barnie's to not only delight the taste buds but also contribute to the Knights Pantry mission. For every bag of UCF Coffee sold, $1 is donated back to the UCF Cares and the Knights Pantry. This means that with each sip of Barnie's UCF Coffee, you're directly supporting fellow students in need, helping to alleviate food insecurity, and promote student success.

Getting involved and making a difference is as easy as enjoying a bag of coffee. When you choose Barnie's UCF coffee, you're not just indulging in a premium coffee experience; you're also investing in the future of UCF students. Your morning coffee choice can have a meaningful impact!

To learn more about the UCF Knights Pantry's mission, initiatives, and how they're addressing food insecurity on campus, visit their official website at Discover how the Knights Pantry is creating a positive change in the lives of UCF students and find out how you can further support their efforts.

Together, we can brew change and make a lasting impact on the UCF community!

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