Santa’s White Christmas Mocha Recipe

Are you starting to feel down about being at home? We understand. Most importantly, we hope you are all safe and we wish you and your loved one's good health, well-being and comfort. To help with your comfort, we found a way for you to make this easy recipe at home with just three ingredients — our Santa’s White Christmas coffee (one of the delicious seasonal flavors available for the holidays and all year round at, chocolate syrup and creamer.

  • Santa’s White Christmas brewed coffee
  • Chocolate Syrup
  • Creamer (your choice or not at all)
Santa’s White Christmas Single Serve

Santa’s White Christmas coffee


1. It tastes just like Christmas to us and we want to share that comfort with you. The next time you make a pot of coffee, save the leftovers on the side for just a bit. This way you can try this delicious recipe we just whipped up.

2. When you’re ready to make Santa's White Christmas Mocha, combine the cold coffee and chocolate syrup. Stir well to combine.

3. Pour into a tall glass over ice, then top with creamer.

Santa’s White Christmas iced coffee recipe

4. If you’re feeling especially fancy or festive, add a dollop of whipped cream, some peppermint sprinkles and a peppermint stick for garnish. Maybe even top it off with red sprinkles. Why not? We did.

Santa’s White Christmas mocha recipe with whipped cream

Let us know if you try it at home. We’d love to hear from you!

Santa’s White Christmas holiday recipe

Bold Coffee Creations

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    Iced Coffee Margarita

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    Barnie's Peanut Butter Mocha Cake